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With ProSim B738-3.14 and B38M-1.14, a new Datalink system was introduced.
This new system is completely new and independent of the old ACARS implementation.
Therefore, they are exclusive. This means that only one can be active at a time. To change between systems, just enable/disable the Legacy ACARS option in prosim config (ProSim737_System#Datalink_config_tab).
The new system works with different providers to handle different types of requests.
Each request type can have more than one provider. In this case, a Cockpit Setup Option will then be used to select the proper provider, like the currently existing METAR provider option (Cockpit_Setup_Options_B738_&_B38M#Datalink)
Request types
Flightplan, weather, performance, telex, CPDLC, ATIS
Weather: Simulator, Online source
Flightplan: Simbrief
Performance (PERF INIT): Simbrief
Winds: Simbrief
Telex: Hoppie
CPDLC: Hoppie
Each provider may require its own specific access credentials(logon code, user id, api id, etc...) that you may need to request or obtain from the provider.
Access details should then be entered in prosim config (ProSim737_System#Datalink_config_tab)
The datalink subsystem can be accessed mainly in 2 different ways. Either used directly from FMS CDU pages, or Datalink menu pages
To access the datalink subsystem, a REQUEST prompt is available whenever there is an active provider configured for that type of request.
RTE: Load a flight plan
RTE/DATA: Load winds aloft
PERF INIT: Load initial performance data
Datalink menu
From the CDU MENU, the datalink prompt should give access to the subsystem pages.
Currently just these pages are implemented:
AOC/REQUESTS/WXR REQUEST: Request weather from the active weather provider
AOC/REPORTS/OTHER RPTS: Downlink a telex message
AOC/MISC/RECEIVED MSGS: View and print uplinked messages, whenever possible.
AOC/MISC/RAMP REPORT: Downlink a ramp report
ATS/ATIS, AOC STD/REQUESTS/ATIS: Request ATIS from the active provider
ATS/DEPARURE CLX: Request CLX from the active provider
Some AOC requests require an originator address. The flight number, entered in the RTE page, will be used.
AOC reports require a listening station. This listening station depends on the provider used and requires an address.
The address used for AOC reports is the airline ICAO code (3 letter code), read from the config.xml file.
i.e. When using Hoppie, TOPCAT or Hoppie dispatch tool can be used.
AOC Reports are sent as TELEX messages.
Some reports are downlinked in a pre-formatted text output. This output is controlled by templates.
Default templates can be found in <ProSim-System>/Datalink/Templates.
Custom templates can be used by copying the content of the default template folder into ProgramData\ProSim-AR\ProSimB738\Datalink\Templates folder, and editing the template.
Variables are marked as {variable}, and will be replaced by the proper content. A default template contains all possible variables for that report.
Before reporting an issue, please make sure all required data is entered. Flight number, tail number and airline icao code can be required for some reports/requests