Cockpit Setup Options B738 & B38M
Main Page > ProSim737 Manual > Cockpit Setup Options B738 & B38M
1 Audio
Name: EGPWS TCF inhibit
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Disables TCF mode globally (bypassing modulation file)
Name: EGPWS RFCF inhibit
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Disables RFCF mode globally (bypassing modulation file)
Name: EGPWS terrain ahead inhibit
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Disables terrain ahead mode globally (bypassing modulation file)
Name: GPWS 2500
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: GPWS 1000
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 500
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 400
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 300
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 200
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 100
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 50
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 40
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 30
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 20
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: GPWS 10
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Altitude alert
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Minimums callout
Options: [0: Approaching minimums | 1: Plus 100]
Default: [0: Approaching minimums]
Name: Airspeed Low alert
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
2 Datalink
Name: METAR provider
Options: [0: Simulator weather | 1: Online weather]
Default: First option available
Description: Selects the weather provider for the datalink system
Options can actually vary based on the detection of the provider
Online source: Aviationweather [1]
Name: ATIS provider
Options: [0: Hoppie[2] | 1: VATSIM[3] 2: Generic ATIS]
Default: First option available
Description: Selects the ATIS provider for the datalink system
Options can actually vary based on the detection of the provider
Name: Loadsheet provider
Options: [0: SDK | 1: Simbrief[4] | 2: Hoppie[5]]SDK option requires additional licensing
Default: First option available
Name: CPDLC provider
Options: [0: SDK | 1: Hoppie[6]]SDK option requires additional licensing
Default: First option available
Name: Telex provider
Options: [0: SDK | 1: Hoppie[7]]SDK option requires additional licensing
Default: First option available
Name: Load Cargo/PAX
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: When enabled, cargo and PAX will be automatically loaded into the aircraft
Name: Load Fuel
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: When enabled, fuel will be automatically loaded into the aircraft
Name: Datalink Chime
Options: [0: None | 1: All | 2: Sterile Cockpit]
Default: [1: All]
Description: Sterile option will disable chimes below 10000ft with any engine running
Name: Show datalink advisories in EICAS
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
3 Displays
Name: VNAV Speed band (beta1)
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Indicates the FMC target speed range during VNAV PTH descents. Bottom of speed band indicates AT wake up speed and top indicates [PTH -> SPD reversion (U14) / DRAG REQRD FMC message (up to U13)]
Name: WX radar resolution (px / nm)
Options: [0: 20 | 1: 10 | 2: 5]
Default: [0: 20]
Name: Rising runway
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Single cue F/D
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Heading scale B38M Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Trim indicator B38M Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Trim indicator upper B738 Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Trim indicator lower B738 Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Show trim value
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Fuel gauges
Options: [0: New style | 1: Old style]
Default: [0: New style]
Name: Course lines
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Range rings
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: TCAS range rings
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Orientation:Map
Options: [0: Track up | 1: Heading up]
Default: [1: Heading up]
Name: Orientation:Vor
Options: [0: Track up | 1: Heading up]
Default: [1: Heading up]
Name: Layout B738 Only - Option not available if FMS version is U13 or later
Options: [0: Normal | 1: EFIS]
Default: [0: Normal]
Note: Selection of EFIS mode will show EICAS in side by side mode.
Name: EICAS layout B738 Only
Options: [0: Over/Under | 1: Side by Side]
Default: [0: Over/Under]
Name: Vertical Situation Display B738 Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Brake temperature
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Flight surfaces
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Groundspeed in speedtape
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Sim state in PFD
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Show fuel flow in upper EICAS B738 Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Show manual throttle position in EICAS
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Suppress EXCESS DATA message
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Gauge Backlight B738 Only
Options: [0: Dimmable | 1: Always On]
Default: [0: Dimmable]
Name: Parked VREF
Options: [0: NO| 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Extra speedbug
Options: [0: None | 1: 80 kts | 2: 100 kts]
Default: [0: None]
Name: Radio Altimeter B738 Only
Options: [0: Digital | 1: Analog]
Default: [0: Digital]
Name: AOA Indicator B738 Only
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: ALTN DEST Requires commercial license
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enables the ALTN DEST FMS option in the RTE page
Name: PLAN FUEL Requires commercial license
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enables the PLAN FUEL FMS option in the PERF INIT page
Name: Standby Database Requires commercial license
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Enables standby database selection (procedure simulation only) from the IDENT page
Name: Reset FMS with no power (Commercial Only) Requires commercial license
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Resets the FMS in case of power loss
Name: Reset FMS after landing
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Resets the FMS after landing
Name: RW/APP CRS error message
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Prevents the RW/APP CRS alert message (i.e. in case of inconsistent database)
Name: Limit CRZ to TRIP alt
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Limit CRZ entry to TRIP altitude
Name: QRH Speeds Default
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Default display of QRH speeds
Name: Single click to select QRH speed
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enables single LSK select to select V speed, instead of 2 selects (copy to SP, then paste on LSK)
Name: Flap source
Options: [0: Handle | 1: Position]
Default: [0: Handle]
Description: Use of simulator flap position or TQ flap handle for some logic inputs. If TQ flap handle is assigned in ProSim, then Handle(Default) should be use
Name: Allow APP REF on ground
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Allows approach speed entry using APP REF page, while on ground
Name: VNAV Speed upper limit
Options: [0: +5 | 1: +10 | 2: +15]
Default: [2: +15]
Description: Upper VNAV speed threshold (DES) - (U14: VNAV PATH will revert to VNAV SPEED / up to U13: Trigger DRAG REQUIRED message)
Name: VNAV Speed lower limit
Options: [0: -5 | 1: -10 | 2: -15]
Default: [1: -10]
Description: Lower VNAV speed threshold (DES) - AT wake up speed
Name: VNAV Energy Compensation
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Gradual commanded speed change (beta1)
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Reserved for future use
Name: Common VNAV
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Enables Common VNAV option. It makes the 737 FMS VNAV to be similar to other aircrafts. (No manual SPEED/PATH change from the CDU DES page)
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Enables VNAV ALT option. In VNAV climb or descend, if leveling off at an intermediate MCP altitude, VNAV will not disengage and change to VNAV ALT. If disabled, VNAV will revert to ALT HOLD
Name: ALT INT mode
Options: [0: Delete all restrictions to MCP altitude | 1: Delete first restriction only]
Default: [0: Delete all restrictions to MCP altitude]
Description: Deletes ALL or just the FIRST altitude restriction up/down to MCP altitude
Name: Thrust Mode Display header
Options: [0: Option 1 | 1: Option 2]
Default: [0: Option 1]
Description: Changes TMD format on upper EICAS
Name: Alternate coordinate validation Requires commercial license
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enables alternate coordinates entry format
Name: UNABLE NEXT ALT alert message Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Enabled | 1: Disabled]
Default: [0: Enabled]
Description: DEBUG option. Should only be used if requested
Name: Reference N1 Readout(AUTO)
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Enable visibility of N1 target above N1 gauges if AUTO is selected
Name: Reference N1(AUTO) with assumed temp
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enable the use of assumed temp to
Name: ABEAM Waypoints Requires U13 feature
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Enable the ABEAM prompt in the LEGS page
Name: EO SIDs Requires U13 feature
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Reserved for future use
All options require HUD feature
Name: AIII Mode
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Ground Decel symbol
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Tail Strike symbol
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Ground Loc Dev Scale
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: AIII Rollout
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Armed FD symbol
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Flash Pitch & Roll diff
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Inhibit Single Channel autopilot annunciation
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Digital Annunciator Panel
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Horizontal Flip
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Vertical Flip
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
6 Options
Name: IAN
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Approach option to provide an ILS-like display indications, and autopilot control laws for non-precision (Category I) approaches.
Name: NPS
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Displays the combined current lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV) with actual navigation performance (ANP) and required navigation performance (RNP).
Name: Aspirated TAT probe
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Door Control
Options: [0: ProSim | 1: External]
Default: [0: ProSim]
Name: Navaid virtualization
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: If Enabled(Yes) navdata will be used to generate navaid signal (except for ILS). If Disabled(No), the navaid signal is read from the simulator in use.
Name: ILS virtualization
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: If Enabled(Yes) navdata will be used to generate ILS signal. If Disabled(No), the ILS signal is read from the simulator in use. It requires Navaid Virtualization to be enabled.
Name: Weather radar mode
Options: [0: Single | 1: Dual]
Default: [0: Single]
Name: Terrain Mode
Options: [0: SIMPLE | 1: ADVANCED]
Default: [0: SIMPLE]
Description: Advanced option has sweep effect and allows PEAKS/CYAN selection.
Name: Terrain Display Cyan
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Terrain Peaks
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Auto Mute
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [1: Enabled]
Name: Autofailures
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: GND CALL controls GPU
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: Enable/Disable the GPU connect/disconnect control when using the GRD CALL
Name: Engine rating B738
Options: [0: 24k | 1: 26k]
Default: [1: 26k]
Name: Engine rating B38M
Options: [0: 25k | 1: 27k | 2: 28k]
Default: [2: 28k]
Name: Takeoff speed
Options: [0: V2 + 15 | 1: V2 + 20]
Default: [1: V2 + 20]
Name: Takeoff lateral mode
Options: [0: Blank | 1: HDG SEL]
Default: [1: HDG SEL]
Name: Automatic ground call
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Description: If enabled, it will trigger the ground call if IRS is on BAT or EQUIP COOL in ALTN mode
Name: Repositioning
Options: [0: Always quick | 1: Automatic | 2: Always full]
Default: [1: Automatic]
Name: Attend indicator
Options: [0: Blink | 1: Steady | 2: Blink 10 sec | 3: Steady 10 sec | 4: Blink 10 sec + Reset Call | 5: Steady 10 sec + Reset Call]
Default: [0: Blink]
Name: Call indicator ON when pressing the attend button
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [1: YES]
Name: Acquisition alert altitude B738
Options: [0: 750 ft | 1: 900 ft]
Default: [0: 750 ft]
Name: Acquisition alert altitude B38M
Options: [0: 750/200 ft | 1: 900/200 ft | 2: 900/300 ft]
Default: [0: 750/200 ft]
Name: Short field Package
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Name: Seatbelt auto 10k feet option
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Dual elevator trim switches
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Some hardware has 2 independent trim switches. Enable this option if you want to make the trim input to work in the correct way(using BOTH switches)
Name: IRS alignment time
Options: [0: Normal | 1: Quick]
Default: [0: Normal]
Description: Normal will take up to 15 min. Time is based on latitude. The further north, the longer it will take). Quick will take 1 minute.
Name: Slave FO EFIS to Capt EFIS
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: Slaves right side EFIS to left side EFIS. This option is only effective if CONTROL PANEL switch is in NORMAL position. Does not slave range, mode and map options.
Name: Slave ISFD barometric setting to Capt EFIS
Options: [0: No | 1: Yes]
Default: [0: No]
Description: Slaves the ISFD barometric settings to the left side EFIS
Name: Slave RMI switches to Capt EFIS
Options: [0: No | 1: Yes]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Description: Slaves RMI ADF/VOR selectors to left side EFIS. This will allow the proper use of the RMI in case RMI hardware is not in use.
Name: Default ground power at start up
Options: [0: Disconnected | 1: Connected]
Default: [1: Connected]
Name: Use legacy radios (5 digits)
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Description: Allows the use of older hardware (script based) where frequencies are handled with 5 digits only. Does not support 8.33
Name: AP Disconnect Warning B738 Only
Options: [0: CMD Only | 1: CMD + CWS Reversion]
Default: [1: CMD + CWS Reversion]
Name: Stickshaker trim B738 Only - Requires additional feature
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Name: Rudder trim mixer Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Enabled | 1: Disabled]
Default: [0: Enabled]
Description: If using control loading systems, option should be disabled to allow proper trim control. For spring centered flight controls, option should be enabled.
Name: Aileron trim mixer Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Enabled | 1: Disabled]
Default: [0: Enabled]
Description: If using control loading systems, option should be disabled to allow proper trim control. For spring centered flight controls, option should be enabled.
Name: Automatic Windshear Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Enabled | 1: Disabled]
Default: [0: Enabled]
Name: A/P Engage Logic Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Unrealistic | 1: Realistic]
Default: [0: Unrealistic]
Name: High Altitude Landing Option Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Description: If enabled, EFIS baro minimums maximum value changes from 9999 to 14000 and cabin altitude alert threshold changes to 14000
Name: PLI mode Requires professional license
Options: [0: Normal | 1: Enhanced]
Default: [0: Normal]
Name: Voice Channel Spacing
Options: [0: 25Khz | 1: 8.33Khz]
Default: [0: 25Khz]
Description: Changes how COM frequencies are handled with the simulator in use. For FS2020, use 8.33.
Some old hardware may not support 8.33, which may cause unwanted behaviors if option is enabled. 8.33 should not be used if legacy radios option is enabled.
Name: Use ARP elevation as runway elevation
Options: [0: NO | 1: YES]
Default: [0: NO]
Description: - Simulated world is flat, but charts and database reflects real word.
Scenery design is also flat and it is based on ARP(airport reference point) altitude. But runways, most of the times, are at different altitudes, causing the landing reference bar at the altitude tape to not show at ground level.
This option will adjust the runway altitude data to the ARP, causing the landing reference bar to show at a more appropriate position.
Name: Live Weather mode
Options: [0: Manual | 1: Auto (15 minutes) | 2: Auto (30 minutes)]
Default: [0: Manual]
Name: 737 Classic Option B738 Only, Requires classic feature
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [1: Enabled]
Name: Speed Trim Requires professional license
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Name: Operational Autoland Requires professional license
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
All options require eQTG feature
Name: Transport Delay on Visual
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Name: Transport Delay on Displays
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
Name: Flight Controls trigger transport delay
Options: [0: Disabled | 1: Enabled]
Default: [0: Disabled]
8 Units
Name: Weight
Options: [0: KG | 1: LBS]
Default: [0: KG]
Name: Temperature
Options: [0: C | 1: F]
Default: [0: C]
Name: Time
Options: [0: Local time | 1: UTC | 2: FS time]
Default: [0: Local time]
Name: Default baro
Options: [0: HectoPascal | 1: Inches]
Default: [0: HectoPascal]
Name: Runway Requires commercial license
Options: [0: FT | 1: MT]
Default: [0: FT]
Name: Oil Qty Requires commercial license
Options: [0: Units | 1: Percentage]
Default: [0: Units]
9 Remarks
1 Available only with beta releases. Stable releases will not have this option available