ProSim Hardware Connector
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ProSim Hardware Connector is the module that enables users to connect hardware to other computers than the one running ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System.
This is the basic main menu of the ProSim Hardware Connector, which shows currently connected hardware. If no hardware is connected to the computer running the Hardware Connector, the screen is empty as in the image on the right.
1 Software
1.1 Installation
To install, copy and paste the folder to a directory on all computers that will run an instance of the Hardware Connector module. Note that the ProSim Hardware Connector module can have only one instance on the same computer, and should also not be run on the computer running either ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System.
1.2 Configuration
1.2.1 Configuration of the Hardware Connector
The module does not require much configuration, other than the IP address of the computer running ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System. Refer to the paragraph 3.2.1 'Computer running ProSim737/A320 System' of the Initial Setup page on how to retrieve an IP address.
Tick the checkbox next to 'Start Minimized' if the Hardware Connector is to be started but not shown up when the icon is double-clicked.
1.2.2 Configuration of ProSim System
In order for the hardware to also be recognised correctly in ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System, enable certain tick boxes to enable drivers. For example: connect the captains' yoke to a computer running all the captains' monitors and hardware, enable the 'Generic hardware' driver in ProSim. The same for the captains' CDU; if connected the captains' CDU, made by FlightDeckSolutions to the same computer as the yoke, enable the FlightDeckSolutions driver in ProSim System. Refer to the ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System pages for guidance on how to enable the correct hardware drivers.
2 Supported Hardware
The connector supports the following hardware:
- Direct input devices
- Pololu
- SimIO