Instructor Operating Station
Main Page > ProSim737 Manual > ProSimIOS
1 ProSimIOS
All ProSim software suites now feature professional, desktop-based Instructor Operating Station (IOS). The original browser-based Instructor Operating Station is still available.
1.1 General
ProSimIOS is a Windows application that will run on all Windows-based devices with the .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher installed
ProSimIOS could run on any simulator computer, the only requirement is a stable network connection to the computer running ProSim System
1.2 Installation
ProSimIOS is included in the release zip archive, available on the download page.
Same as for other ProSim modules, no installation is required - just extract the content of to the desired location.
1.3 First run
ProSimIOS will only start if successfully connected to ProSim System (and will not start if ProSim System is not running).
If starting the ProSimIOS on a networked computer for the first time, you'll be prompted to enter the IP address of the computer running the ProSim System.
On the next run, ProSim IOS will connect automatically to that IP address again.
Upon the first start, ProSimIOS will copy the scenery and navigation database from the ProSim System - that might take some time, depending on the network speed and database size.
1.4 Keyboard Shortcuts
The IOS has several keyboard shortcuts programed. In order to use the application more efficiently, see the table below for an overview. NOTE: Every keyboard shortcut includes ctrl+shift
. For example: press ctrl+shift+p
to open the 'position' module.
Key | Module or action | Key | Module or action |
P | Position | S | Statistics |
M | Map | N | Network |
F | Flight Plan | O | Motion |
C | Conditions | T | Settings |
B | Pushback | H | Info |
L | Fuel/Load | Z | Freeze |
V | View/Slew | U | Pause |
I | Failures | E | Exit |
A | Aircraft |
2 Features
2.1 Position
The Position page is used to relocate your aircraft to a specific position, such as on an approach, a runway take-off point or at a gate. It is also possible to position your aircraft at any given geographical location in the world.
First, an airport needs to be selected. This can be done either via an ICAO code or via the search window. It is also possible to randomly select an airport by clicking on the 'Random'-button.
Next, select a runway at the top or a gate on the left hand side of the screen:
From there, it is possible to choose from 4 options in the center of the window: Approach training, SID/STAR or waypoint, Airwork or a custom geographical location.
2.2 Map
2.3 Flight Plan
The Flight Plan module of the IOS allows you to manually plan a route, or use one of many available import options. It is also possible to export your created flightplan, such as to an FSX/P3D flightplan file.
In order to import a flight plan, click the Import flight plan
button. A window will pop-up giving several options, such as creating and importing a route directly from the Asalink Routefinder or from Flightsimsofts' Professional Flight Planner X for example.
Once a flight plan has been either created manually or has been imported, it is shown on the left hand side of the window. If connected to ProSim and FSX/P3D or MSFS2020, it will also list your next waypoint with the remaining distance to that waypoint in real time. Right-click on any waypoint to either delete it, move it up or down, center the map on this point or completely clear the plan again. Note: Keep in mind that editing the flight plan is only possible when you are in the manual flight planning mode. Printing the flight plan is also possible using the Print
2.4 Conditions
2.5 Pushback
Control aircraft pushback operations in any direction you want, stop it again at any time and always know the exact location of the aircraft on the airport. When not using FSDreamteams' Ground Services X (GSX) to perform your pushback, the IOS Pushback is the perfect replacement!
In the top-left corner your current location (airport) is indicated, while at the top-right hand side your current location at that airport is shown, indicating at which gate or parking you are located.
Use the button below that to request the jetway at your gate. Note: this feature requires animated jetways and these might not be available in your specific (add-on) scenery.
Before starting the pushback operation you can define the distance the aircraft is pushed back.
If you push to the left or right you can even define the turn angel and an additional straight distance after the turn has been completed.
To start the pushback operation, click on one of the three buttons depending on the direction the aircraft should be pushed to. The program calculates the expected aircraft heading after the pushback below the buttons.
The pushback operation will stop automatically after the defined push distance and in case of pushback to left or right the turn including the additional straight distance after turn has been reached.
Pushback operation can be stopped manually at any time by clicking on the Stop Pushback
2.6 Fuel & Load
On the Fuel & Load page, fuel amounts can be set in the aircrafts' tanks, as well as distribute payload over the aircraft. Automated weight calculation allows the operator to get a detailed overview of the aircrafts' fuel and weights.
Click on one of the boxes with an arrow to the right to enter a total amount of fuel, cargo or passengers for the ProSimIOS to automatically distribute the weight. Alternatively, click on the 4 percentage buttons to automatically set fuel, cargo or passenger amount to 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.
2.7 View/Slew
2.8 Failures
Fail any aircraft component with just one click manually or define detailed failure conditions like fail if aircraft is above a specific altitude or airspeed. Besides generic failures, aircraft-type specific failures are also available. Failures are divided into several system areas:
Air | APU | Communications | Start Faults |
Doors | Electric | Engines | |
Fire | Flight Controls | Fuel | |
Gear | Hydraulic | Ice/Rain | |
Indicating/Recording | Navigation | Pneumatic |
The IOS also allows for the generation of random failures. Click on the 'Random Failures'-button, and select the required failure(s) from the list. Press and hold shift to select a batch of failures at once, or press and hold and click to select multiple specific failures. It is also possible to configure the triggering of random failures to be above or below a certain altitude, or when airspeed is above a certain speed. Finally, it is also possible to set an average amount of failures per hour (one may use decimal numbers such as 0.5 for a low amount of random failures) or set a minimum time between them.
2.9 Aircraft
Get an overview of all important aircraft data and control parts such as engines, gear, flaps and spoilers, even auto pilot and radio control panel directly.
On the first page, the Status page, ground power can be (dis)connected, ground pneumatics, reset the FMS and get a total overview of the most important aircraft systems and their statuses. Finally, the operator has the option to open and close the aircraft doors. Refer to the Visual Flight Model page for more information regarding the opening of doors.
Click on the Systems button to go to the Systems-page. This page shows more in-depth and detailed statistics and facts regarding the aircrafts' systems. These have been divided into three sections: engines, hydraulics and radios.
Lastly, on the Monitor page, internal and driver timings can be monitored. These are not used in normal operations, though may be useful during the setup and/or optimisation of your simulator, or during troubleshooting (with help of ProSim Support).
3 ProSim specifics
3.1 Settings
The General settings page; This page consists of several tabs, but for ProSim-users, only the first tab is important. Here, the IP Address of the computer running ProSim Systems can be entered. In case the IOS will always run on the same computer as the ProSim Systems application, leave Host or IP as Localhost.
To change certain options regarding the cockpit of your aircraft (for example. digital vs. analog standby gauges) click on the Cockpit Setup Options button. These options are known as 'Carrier options', as these usually vary between one operator to another. Once set, an option becomes effective immediately.
The carrier options are divided into four sections: Audio, Display, FMS/CDU, and Options. As these are different between the 737NG, 737MAX and A320, their explanations have been divided per aircraft type.