Getting Started
Main Page > ProSim737 Manual / ProSimA320 Manual > Getting Started
1 Introduction
This Getting Started guide has been created to help you install and quickly get up and running with the ProSim737 and ProSimA320 suites.
The ProSim suite is a complex, yet very flexible application that accommodates numerous interface hardware and deployment configurations. However, it would be impossible to provide details on every combination. Therefore, if you get stuck or have any questions, please be sure to visit the support page for some help options.
2 Considerations
Here are some things to think about before deploying your ProSim suite. Some pre-planning here will save you some headaches later.
- ProSim is compatible with FSX, Prepar3D V4.5+, and Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). Make sure at least one of those simulators is installed on your primary (and most powerful) PC.
- ProSim and its modules are Windows-based. Ideally you should be running PCs with up-to-date Windows 10 and the latest .NET version to ensure maximum compatibility.
- If you are running multiple computers across a network, make sure you have at least a basic understanding of Windows networking basics. Things like TCP/IP protocols, IP addressing (static and dynamic), gateway configurations, firewalls and routers, DNS, and file sharing are all integral to making a networked installation successful.
- If you are going to run multiple PCs, think about how many computers you want to run in your environment and which computer will run which ProSim modules. ProSim can run entirely on a single PC along with the Flight Simulator software, or its modules can be distributed across multiple PCs to spread the system load. For performance reasons, however, you should consider at least a dedicated Flight Sim PC and a separate PC for running ProSim Server and its modules.
- Ensure all of your PCs can adequately support the modules you put on them. For example, ProSim Display requires a bit more graphics power than ProSim Audio does so you might utilize a better graphics card on its PC. ProSim Audio will require at least one sound card on its PC. Multiple cockpit displays connected to a single PC may require multiple graphics cards to have enough video outputs.
- Document your configuration! It is good practice to document your setup so you know in advance what the PC names will be, what IP addresses each PC will be assigned, what ProSim modules and software they'll be running, which PCs will produce which audio, and so on.
- Rename your PCs to be more easily identifiable across the network. For example, 'CAPTAIN_SIDE' or 'SIMULATOR SERVER'. This can be done through the Windows System menu.
3 Pre-Requisites
- A minimum of at least one Windows 10+ PC with the latest .NET installed and either FSX, Prepar3d v4.5+, or MSFS simulators installed is recommended. A mid-range PC is usually more than adequate for ProSim. However, if you are planning to run ProSim on the same PC as your flight simulator you might want to consider a higher-end PC.
- For a multi-PC networked environment, at least a second PC with Windows 10+ and the latest .NET installed; a network switch that all PCs are plugged into; a hardware router/firewall connected to the Internet.
- ProSim installation file (see next section)
- License Key or Update Subscription Key (optional if only evaluating)
4 Installation
4.1 Download and Extract ProSim
Download the appropriate ProSim suite from to your local hard drive.
Next, extract (unzip) the downloaded ZIP file to an appropriately named folder on your C: drive such as "ProSim737" or "ProSimA320 (e.g. C:/ProSim737).
Once extracted, you'll notice additional zip files similar to below.4.2 Using ProSim Modules
Each zip file above contains a core ProSim module (e.g. You'll find links to more information about what each module does on the ProSim737 Manual or ProSimA320 Manual home page.
To use a module you would extract (unzip) that module's ZIP file to a folder of your choice and then run the Executable within it.
For example, if you wanted a Captain's PFD/ND display you might create a folder on your hard drive called "CAPT PFD-ND" and extract the files into it.You can create multiple instances of a module if needed on the same computer. For example, for a full complement of Boeing 737 displays you would create a separate ProSimDisplay folder for each display or display group and name the folder accordingly: CAPT PFD-ND, FO PFD-ND, Upper EICAS and Lower EICAS. Finally, when you run the EXE within each folder, a window will open allowing you to customize and show whatever virtual instruments you would like. Refer to each module's information page linked on the ProSim737 Manual or ProSimA320 Manual home page for the options available with each module.NOTE: Each separate module folder will have its own configuration file that stores the settings for that module.
4.3 Extract and Run the ProSim System Module
Now that you understand how modules work, extract the or file you extracted above into an appropriately named folder. The extracted contents should look something like this:Now, double-click the ProSimXXX.exe file to start the ProSim System module.4.4 Activation
If this is the first time you are starting the ProSim System module, the Activation window will pop-up automatically. There are two options:
- Activate using registration code - Enter the Product Key (if a new license) or Update Subscription Key (if renewal) you received by email after purchase. Once the license has been validated, the activation window will no longer re-appear on startup.
- Use 30 minutes evaluation version - Choose this option if you wish to test a fully functional evaluation of ProSim. Once the 30 minute period expires you will need to restart the ProSim server module and you can again choose 30 minute evaluation to continue your evaluation.
Once you have chosen the appropriate option, click OK to continue.
NOTE: If required, the license window can be accessed by opening ProSim737 Systems, and then clicking 'File' -> 'License'.
NOTE: Click the Purge cached license keys button to clear out any existing license keys from the software. This is useful if you are having any activation or evaluation license issues that are preventing the software from starting properly. For example, license keys are tied to your ProSim account email address. If you contacted ProSim to change your email address then you may need to purge the keys to clear out the original license tied to your old email and re-enter your keys so that the software picks up the new email address.
4.5 Terms & Conditions
If you chose the evaluation version above you will then see another popup window where you must agree to the ProSim Terms & Conditions to continue further.
Click the "I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions" check box once you have read the terms then click Accept.
4.6 Database Update
Next, the system will open a new window and attempt to automatically detect the flight simulator being used and its software path. If it is not able to locate your installed simulator (as may be the case with a networked installation), manually browse for the path to the simulator by clicking on the button with the three small dots.
Once the correct path has been chosen and the simulator has been detected, click the Build database button to start indexing the simulator's scenery database.
NOTE: You will want to return to the Database window to rebuild the database any time you add new scenery to your simulator. The database window can be accessed by opening the ProSim737 System module, then clicking 'Config' -> 'Database'.
Other items of note on the Database screen:
- Navigraph database - This tells you which Navigraph AIRAC navigation database version you currently have installed. ProSim comes default with cycle 1901 (January 2019) supplied by Navigraph. Download and install a newer navigational database cycle from Navigraph (or Aerosoft's NavDataPro) in order keep the database current. While not required for the initial setup of ProSim, it is advised to update this database regularly, especially if intentions are to fly online with VATSIM, IVAO or another online flight simulation network.
- Current scenery database - This is the last scenery database compiled by the Build database button.
- Terrain data - To display any terrain data on the Navigational Display (ND), the Terrain Database must be downloaded. Simply click the 'Download' button (if available) to start the download. As this is a large file it will take some time. Once downloaded, it is then possible to show terrain data on the Navigation Display (ND) by pressing the EFIS 'TERR' button.
4.7 ProSim System Main Application
Once you've completed the above steps you should end up at the ProSim System main application window. Here is where you can configure the core settings for your ProSim environment. Visit the ProSim737 System or ProSimA320 System pages for more on the features of the ProSim System.5 Update ProSim System
At this point, it is a good idea to update to the latest release version of ProSim System using the automatic installer within ProSim System.
5.1 Install the Latest Stable Release Version
Within either the ProSim737 System or ProsimA320 Systemcapplication window,lick the Help menu at the top, then Updates.
Next, click the Releases Tab. This tab shows all stable release versions of ProSim System.
Click the appropriate install link to install the latest version.
NOTE: The screenshot below is for the evaluation version of ProSim. Licensed versions will show a Download link next to each version.
NOTE: Click the Release Notes link next to each version to see what changed. Alternatively, you can visit the Release Notes section under the appropriate ProsimXXX Manual home pages.
Upon clicking the install link the automatic downloader will launch and download the version.
Once the download is complete, ProSim will automatically close all open modules, perform the update on them one by one, then restart them. This will occur for both local modules and networked modules.
NOTE: If any modules are not open at the time of updating, the next time those modules are run they will be automatically updated to the currently installed ProSim System version.
5.2 Rolling Back to a Previous Version
In some cases you may discover you need to roll back to a previous version of ProSim. This is also a simple process. Follow the Install the Latest Release Version process above, but instead of clicking the most current release version just choose any previous version. The update process is exactly the same.
5.3 Install a Pre-Release
ProSim developers fix bugs and add new features to ProSim on a regular basis. These updates usually get added to Pre-Release versions, allowing customers to test and report their findings, until ProSim determines the changes are stable enough to roll into a stable release.
If you wish to install a Pre-Release, the process is the same as the Install the Latest Stable Release Version section above, except this time choose the "Pre-Releases" tab and choose the pre-release version to install.
NOTE: Use of Pre-release versions is at your own risk. They may break existing functionality or cause unintended effects. If you are on a simulator that can't afford any down time then do not install a pre-release version. However, if that's not a problem, a pre-release version gives you a great opportunity to check out new features and report any issues you find on the pre-release forums.
5.4 Manual Update
Should you run into problems with the automatic installer, you can update using a ZIP file obtained from ProSim. Click the Update with zip file button on the Version manager page which will open your local file manager. Select the zip you wish to update from.
6 Network Settings (for Multiple PCs)
If you are running a standalone PC running both ProSim System and its associated modules AND the flight simulator software then you are good to go.
However, if you are running multiple PCs in your ProSim environment, you'll want to make some changes to the network settings on each PC to minimize potential networking problems later.
6.1 Configure Computer Names
By default, Windows assigns a random computer name to your PC. This is the name your PC appears as on your network (NetBios name). It is good practice to update each computer name to align with the purpose of the PC. For example "P3D PC", "ProSim System", "Visual PC", etc.
To change your Windows computer name check out the following YouTube videos:
Note: You'll be required to restart your PC after changing the computer name.
6.2 Configure Static IPs
By default, Windows PCs are configured to obtain a dynamic (or changing) IP address from your router's DHCP service It's usually a local network (LAN) IP address like 192.168.0.x (where "x" is some number between 1 and 255). Each time a PC starts on your network, the router dynamically assigns it an unused IP address which may or may not be the same as the last time it started. This makes it difficult for ProSim modules across multiple PCs to consistently "talk" to the central ProSim System PC. Therefore, it is best to configure all the PCs in your ProSim multi-PC environment to use a static (non-changing) IP address.
Before you start configuring static IPs, it's a good idea to write down your network addressing scheme before you start. For example, the ProSim System PC might be on and the ProSim Displays PC might be on
Also make sure no other devices on your network are using the IPs you choose or you'll end up with an IP conflict. Many routers allow you to create static IP reservations within your DHCP range which ensures no other computers will ever be dynamically assigned those IPs.
For help configuring static IPs and IP reservations, the following YouTube links will help you get started.
Once you've configured your multiple PCs with static IPs, make sure you test that you can see them on the network. The best way to do this is by doing a "ping". Start a Windows Command Prompt , and then type the following command: Ping <IP ADDRESS OF COMPUTER YOUR ARE CHECKING>
7 Configure Additional ProSim Modules
Now that each PC is named correctly and has its own static IP, it's time to set up the remaining ProSim modules you will be using.
Per the Using ProSim Modules section above, create appropriately named folders on each computer you want to run ProSim modules
on (e.g. "C:\ProSim\CaptDisplay") and extract the appropriate module's zip files into each folder.
8 Visual Flight Model (VFM) Setup
ProSim737/A320 come with their own Visual Flight Model (VFM) and Simulator Modules which not only give an accurate external visual representation of the aircraft within the simulator, but also provide a very realistic aerodynamic model that works in tandem with the ProSim suite.
8.1 Download the VFM and Simulator Module
The VFM and modules can be downloaded from directly within either ProSim737 System or ProsimA320 System and come with their own automated installer. Installation is quick and straight forward.
8.2 Installation
To install the VFM and modules open either ProSim737 System or ProsimA320 System. Then, in the navigation bar at the top, click on Help then Updates.
The "Version manager" window will open. Click the Addons tab, then click the Download link next to the visual model and connector you wish to install to start the download process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are running Microsoft Flight Simulator, download and install BOTH the latest Visual Model for MSFS 2020 AND the MSFS2020 Module. If you are running Prepar3D, install BOTH the latest PBR Flight Model & Visual Model AND the latest Prepar3D Module.' The modules allow ProSim to better communicate with the flight model in the sim and are required for proper operation.
After you click the download link, a window will open asking where to save the installer. Choose an appropriate download location and click OK.
A new window will open to inform of the download progress.
Once the installer has finished downloading, click on the blue link to open the folder where it has been saved.
Run the executable installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to install.
Note: The VFM and associated module should be copied to, and installed on, the Primary Flight Simulator PC.
8.3 Updates and Uninstallation
When a new VFM or module is released, it is suggested to uninstall the previous version using the Windows Add/Remove programs to avoid any conflicts, then download the latest version of VFM and/or Module as explained above.
9 Startup Sequence
At this point you should have all ProSim modules successfully installed. When you are ready to jump into a flight, a typical start-up sequence would be:
- Start the ProSimXXX System module
- Start the remaining modules (display, audio, CDU, hardware, IOS)
- Start the flight simulator
- Position the aircraft where you want it using the IOS.
NOTE: ProSimXXX System will automatically detect when the flight simulator is running, at which point you should see all your avionics displays come alive and sync with the simulator/Visual Flight Model. That's when you'll know you're ready to go.
NOTE: The IOS module must always be started AFTER the ProSimXXX System module has started.
10 Help and Support
As mentioned earlier, if you get stuck or have any questions, please be sure to visit the support page for some help options.