Frequently Asked Questions
Main Page > ProSim737 Manual | ProSimA320 Manual > FAQ
A list of frequently asked questions has been compiled on this page complete with their respective answer. This is a so-called 'living document', which means that it gets updated regularly with new questions or improved answers. The FAQ's have been divided into two subsections: licensing and technical. The first section is self-explanatory, while the latter is a collection of questions regarding the configuration of all the ProSim suites.
- 1 ProSim-AR Frequently Asked Questions
- 1.1 Licensing
- 1.1.1 How do I move my ProSim suite (737NG, 737MAX, A320) to another computer?
- 1.1.2 Where can I see the expiry date of my current active subscription?
- 1.1.3 I have purchased a 12 month update subscription, but the new expiry date is less than 12 months from now?
- 1.1.4 Can I sell my licence to another user?
- 1.1.5 I have a valid licence but I get an activation error?
- 1.1.6 How much does a commercial licence cost?
- 1.2 Technical
- 1.2.1 Do I need an internet connection to run ProSim?
- 1.2.2 Does ProSim work with MSFS 2020?
- 1.2.3 What are the hardware requirements for ProSim?
- 1.2.4 Where can I download the latest ProSim version?
- 1.2.5 Is there an installer for the ProSim suite?
- 1.2.6 Is ProSim compatible with X-Plane?
- 1.2.7 How many computers should I use for my simulator?
- 1.2.8 How can I add custom sounds to ProSim Audio?
- 1.2.9 How can I configure the ProSim flight model to work with GSX?
- 1.2.10 How can I access the Instructor Operation Station?
- 1.1 Licensing
1 ProSim-AR Frequently Asked Questions
1.1 Licensing
1.1.1 How do I move my ProSim suite (737NG, 737MAX, A320) to another computer?
Your licence is bound to your hardware. In order to move it to another computer, contact Prosim Support to reactivate your licence.
1.1.2 Where can I see the expiry date of my current active subscription?
In ProSim Systems, click on ‘Help’ and then on ‘Licence’. Refer to the applicable Systems page of your suite in the wiki for more information.
1.1.3 I have purchased a 12 month update subscription, but the new expiry date is less than 12 months from now?
The update subscription is incremental - when you purchase a new extension, we simply add 12 months to the date your current update subscription expired. The date of purchase is not relevant to the new expiry date.
If your last update subscription expired more than 12 months ago and you purchase an extension, your new expiry date will still be in the past.
If your current update subscription has not yet expired and you purchase an extension, 12 months will be added to the expiry date, so you don't have to wait until the subscription actually expires.
You always get 12 months of updates.
Example - your update subscription expired 31 March 2019 and on 30 July 2019 you decided to extend your update subscription. After the purchase, your new expiry date will be 31 March 2020.
1.1.4 Can I sell my licence to another user?
Yes, but the licence has to be transferred to the new owner and some conditions apply.
Note: Only licenses with a valid update subscription can be transferred.
To transfer the license, check the following steps: The license owner should have the subscription up to date. (expiring on a future day than today)
- The license owner should request a transfer ticket, indicating the new owner and his personal information and that he is willing to transfer his license voluntarily.
*( )
- The new owner should agree with our Terms & Conditions agreement. (attached)
- ProSim support starts the transfer process.
- Process completed.
1.1.5 I have a valid licence but I get an activation error?
Make sure that:
- You are starting ProSim with administrator rights;
- The computer running ProSim System has access to the Internet;
- no firewall or other network protection software is blocking ProSim
Try to delete all the *.lic files in your ProSim System folder, start ProSim again and re-enter your license keys.
If not successful, please contact ProSim Support.
1.1.6 How much does a commercial licence cost?
There are multiple commercial licence options available, please contact for more information.
1.2 Technical
1.2.1 Do I need an internet connection to run ProSim?
Yes, but not all the time. You need an internet connection for the initial license activation. Then the computer running ProSim Systems must connect to the internet once every 30 days to validate your license. After 30 days without an internet connection, ProSim will not start.
1.2.2 Does ProSim work with MSFS 2020?
Partially, compatibility is still under development. Please follow this forum threadfor further announcements.
1.2.3 What are the hardware requirements for ProSim?
Hardware requirements mostly depend on your own requirements and how you are spreading the workload. More modules on a single computer require a more powerful machine. There are, however, some basic guidelines:
- Master PC (running ProSim System and Simulator (P3D/MSFS)) - please refer to the recommended HW requirements for the simulator platform
- Secondary PC (running ProSim clients - Display, Audio, (M)CDU...) - Intel i5 class CPU (or similar), 8 GB RAM, mid-range GPU (2GB GDDR), Windows 10.
1.2.4 Where can I download the latest ProSim version?
This can be done through the ProSim Systems module, or via this link
1.2.5 Is there an installer for the ProSim suite?
There is no installer available for the suite, only for the Visual Flight Model.
1.2.6 Is ProSim compatible with X-Plane?
No, ProSim is not compatible with X-Plane nor is support provided to users trying to establish compatibility.
1.2.7 How many computers should I use for my simulator?
This depends on your setup, budget and own requirements. The most common setup is 1 Master PC for ProSim System and FSX/P3D and 1 Secondary PC for Displays. Eventually another Secondary PC, laptop or tablet for the Instructor Operating Station.
1.2.8 How can I add custom sounds to ProSim Audio?
Please refer to the ProSim737 Audio page for instructions.
1.2.9 How can I configure the ProSim flight model to work with GSX?
Please refer to the Visual Flight Model page, subsection ‘Add-ons’, for instructions.
1.2.10 How can I access the Instructor Operation Station?
Please see the Instructor Operating Station page for more information.
1.2.11 What's the AIRAC address for updating the navigation database?
The AIRAC location should be C:\ProgramData\ProSim-AR\Navdata.