Failure Scenarios

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A scenario is a random event based on MTBF timespan. The higher the timespan value, the lower the probability to happen.

As current releases already have a simple random failure functionality this new scenario based will supersede it. As such, the old one was replaced with the scenario based one.

The old auto failures cockpit setup option was replaced by 2 new ones:

Auto failures: Disables or Enables the scenarios

Auto failures.png

Maintenance: If set to High will increase the probability of a failure to happen.


The old “failures per day” options is now linked to the scenarios and will increase the probability for a scenario to happen.

As such, a new MAINT page was added to the CDU. The 737 MAINT page has more options so both are available for now. The new one is named CONFIG. This new page should replace the old MAINT page in the near future.


A new page (MANUAL FAILURES) was added.


Functionality is the same as from the IOS, just done from the CDU/MCDU with a different presentation window.

If a failure is manually triggered or a reset condition is triggered, it will mark the corresponding section in RED, so it can be found to reset.

The RANDOM failures are the scenario based failures, and all failures marked as scenario can be used here.


Failures TYPE and RATE have the same effect as the cockpit setup options.

It is also possible to immediately trigger a random scenario failure

If a scenario based failure is triggered, the failure can only be cleared from the maintenance page.


If maintenance is required for a specific system, it is done by selecting REQUEST, then a status message will show

If a fault is detected and requires repair, it will report to the user which system is under repair. If more than one failures is detected, one full cycle of repair will be done.
