ProSim737 Display

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ProSim738 Display is used to display aircraft gauges, indicators, panels and aircraft Display Units.

1 Installing the ProSim Display Module

See the Getting Started page under "Using ProSim Modules" for instructions downloading and creating module folders and locations.

2 Starting ProSim Display

ProSim Display is run by clicking the ProSimDisplay.exe file within the folder you extracted from the ProSimDisplay zip file during installation.

Upon launching ProSim Display for the first time, a window will open containing two default displays: "Captain outboard" (PFD) and "Captain inboard" (ND).


3 ProSim Display Main Menu

Right Click anywhere in the main ProSim Display window to access the ProSim Display Main Menu.


The Configuration, Display Setup mode, Displays and Panels menu items will be discussed in following sections.

The rest of the Main Menu items are explained here:

Fullscreen Maximize the ProSim Display window to fit all available monitor space and remove all borders. For most purposes, this is the way you'll want to run your modules and just reposition the display elements within that maximized space.
Titlebar Hides the title bar at the top of the ProSim Display Window.

Titlebar Active


Titlebar Inactive

Note: If you hide the titlebar, you won't be able to reposition the window on your monitor display if it is not in Fullscreen mode. You will need to first show the titlebar, drag the screen to where you want, then disable the titlebar again.

Close X display Close (deactivate/hide) the selected element.
Status Turns green if the ProSim Display module is connected to the ProSim System module. Turns red if unable to connect to the ProSim System module.

Note: If you are unable to connect, make sure the IP address to the ProSim System is correctly configured on the ProSim Display configuration screen (see below). If you are using the correct IP and still can't connect, make sure the Windows firewall or your hardware firewall are not interfering with the connection.

Quit Completely shut down this ProSim Display module instance.
About Shows more info about the module, including the current version. The version should always match up with the ProSim System version.

4 ProSim Display Configuration

On the ProSim Display main Menu Left Click the Configuration menu item to access the configuration screen.


Modify the following configuration settings as appropriate for your installation.

Setting Description Performance Impact Recommended for Normal Operation
Server Select the IP address of the PC running the ProSim System module to connect this module to the main ProSim server N/A Required
Detailed terrain High resolution terrain on ND terrain view Moderate Recommended for normal operation
High quality text In the ND, an option is now available to draw text with a black outline. This improves readability
Clickable Controls Allows a single click to move switches rather than having to click and hold to move a switch. Position the cursor on the side of the switch you want to move it to and click once. Low
Play sound effects Turn on/off the associated sound when a switch is moved. Low
Draw frame around instruments Low
Photorealistic instruments Photorealistic images used for instruments, for better readability Low Recommended for normal operation
Stay on top Force ProSim Display to always be visible regardless of what other windows may be selected. Low
Show folder name in titlebar Non-functional?
Data rate Change frame- and data rates of a display or gauge. Default is 30FPS and the default data rate is 10 Moderate Default is normally OK
Show load in titlebar Displays statistics related to the performance of the display.


Allow remote computer shutdown If enabled, when the module shuts down it will shut down the computer as well (need to validate). Low
Force Software Mode Move rendering from your graphics card (GPU) to your processor (CPU) High Not recommended for normal operation
High Quality Bitmaps Better quality bitmap resizing. Affects weather radar, ground radar, panels. Moderate Recommended for normal operation
Disable ClearType (Experimental) font rendering. In case of readability issues it might prove useful to disable this feature Low Recommended for normal operation
Experimental Outlines Different text outlining method which makes a thicker outline for bigger fonts and thinner for smaller ones Low Recommended for normal operation
Smooth WXR Sweep Smoother weather radar (WXR) sweep animation on the navigation displays (ND) High Recommended for normal operation
Note: Configuration settings are stored in the "config.xml" file in the root of this module's folder.

5 Display Setup Mode

From the ProSim Display Main Menu, Left Click on Display Setup Mode or press the F12 key to enable the ability to reposition and size any display elements (gauges, panels, etc) in the ProSim Display window. Uncheck Display Setup Mode or press the F12 key again to exit out of Display Setup Mode.

Display Setup Mode Menu Item.jpg

When Display Setup Mode is active, the main ProSim Display window area turns blue. Any elements currently selected will have a green border around them.

Display Setup Mode.jpg

The following key commands are available in Display Setup Mode:

Key Description
F12 Enter and exit the Display Setup Mode
Cursor keys Move the displayed screen element
Shift + cursor keys Quickly move the selected screen element
Numpad +/- Adjust size of the selected screen element
Shift + Numpad +/- Quickly adjust the size of the selected screen element
[ / ] (bracket keys) Adjust only the width of the selected screen element
Shift + [ / ] (bracket keys) Quickly adjust only the width of the selected screen element
* Reset Height/Width of screen to Square
Tab key Select next screen element
Mouse scroll wheel Enlarge reduce size of display/panel/gauge by scrolling up or down

6 Display Elements

The ProSim Display module is capable of displaying many different display elements such as gauges, panels, indicators, and Display Units.

6.1 Activating Display Elements

To activate a display element, open the ProSim Display Menu and Left Click the Displays sub-menu to expand it, then Left Click again on the appropriate secondary sub-menu where you will find related elements listed. Click on an element to activate it. ProSimDisplaysSubMenu.jpg

6.2 Deactivating Display Elements

To deactivate a display element just deselect it using the same method to add it above, or Right Click on the element in the ProSim Display window, then choose "Close X display".


6.3 Display Element Types

Below is a quick reference for each of the elements in the Displays sub menus.

6.3.1 Static

Name Display Image
SysDisplay SysDisplay.jpg
Secondary engine indications SecondaryEngineIndications.jpg
Captain PFD

(aka Captain Outboard)

Captain ND

(aka Captain Inboard)

F/O ND FO ND.jpg
Captain Outboard EFIS CaptainOutboardEFIS.jpg
Captain Inboard EFIS CaptainInboardEFIS.jpg
F/O Outboard EFIS FO Outboard EFIS.jpg
F/O Inboard EFIS FO Inboard EFIS.jpg
Normal EICAS NormalEICAS.jpg

6.3.2 MIP

Name Display Image
Flaps Flaps.jpg
Brake Pressure BrakePressure.jpg
Wet Compass WetCompass1.jpg
Yaw Damper YawDamper1.jpg
Chrono 1 and 2 Chrono1and2.jpg
Chrono 1 and 2 Digital Chrono1and2Digital.jpg
Chrono 1 and 2 Round Chrono1and2Round.jpg
Chrono 1 and 2 Digital Round Chrono1and2DigitalRound.jpg
Sixpack Captain SixpackCaptain.jpg
Sixpack FO SixpackFO.jpg

6.3.3 Overhead

Name Display Image
Elec Display ElecDisplay.jpg
IRS Display IRSDisplay.jpg
Duct Press Duct Press.jpg
Cabin Pressure Cabin Pressure.jpg
Cabin VSI Cabin VSI.jpg
Oxygen Pressure Oxygen Pressure.jpg
Fuel Temperature Fuel Temperature.jpg
Cabin Temperature Cabin Temperature.jpg
Elec Display Duplicate, same as above
IRS Display Duplicate, same as above

6.3.4 Standby

Name Display Image
ISFD Framed ISFD Framed.jpg
Alt/Speed Alt-Speed2.jpg
RMI RMI2.jpg
RMI Frameless RMI Frameless.jpg
Standby Attitude Standby Attitude 2.jpg

6.3.5 Indicators

Indicators are the small rectangular labeled push-to-test warning lights on the various panels around the cockpit. Depending on their warning severity, they light up either red, amber, green or blue/white.

In the cockpit they look like this:



ProSim Display makes every individual indicator available to you should you wish to display them on a monitor. They look like this:



Rather than show every one of the many, many indicators, the screenshots below show what indicators are available to you from the menus.

Indicator Category Indicators
Electric ElectricIndicatorsMenu.jpg
Heating HeatingIndicatorsMenu.jpg
Landing Gear LandingGearIndicators.jpg
Flight Controls FlightControlsIndicators.jpg
MIP MIPIndicators.jpg
Pneumatic PneumaticIndicators.jpg
Communication No Indicators at this time
Fire FireIndicators.jpg
Lighting LightingIndicators.jpg
Engine EngineIndicators.jpg
Hydraulic HydraulicsIndicators.jpg
Fuel FuelIndicators.jpg
Navigation NavigationIndicators.jpg
Throttle/MCP ThrottleMCPIndicators.jpg

7 Panels

ProSim Display has fully functioning virtual panels available for you to use to monitor or control your sim setup.

7.1 Usage Scenarios

Here are a few cases where you might use virtual panels:

  • To verify connected hardware is configured and operating correctly. Connected AND assigned hardware states will be mimicked on the virtual panels.*
  • As temporary panel replacements when you don't have the associated hardware panels. Using touchscreens, you can even operate the panels by touch.
  • To prepare your PCs ahead of time and test proper connectivity, module operation, etc before installation into the final simulator.
7.2 Using a Mouse with Virtual Panels

You can operate the various switches, knobs, and levers on virtual panels by using a three button mouse*.

  • To move virtual switches, click and hold the virtual switch with your left mouse button while you drag the cursor in the direction you wish to move the switch.
  • To rotate a knob, hover over the knob with your mouse and rotate your middle scroll wheel.
  • To operate a guarded switch, click on the guard which reveals the switch, then move the switch as described above.

*Note: If a physical button, switch, knob or lever is connected and assigned to a function within ProSim System configuration, the virtual representation cannot be controlled for obvious reasons. It then becomes a visual representation of the current hardware state/position.

7.3 Panel Types

The following are the panels available to you by selecting them from the Panels menu of the ProSim Display menu.

ProSim Display Panels Menu.jpg

Panel Display Image
EFIS Captain EFIS Captain.jpg
EFIS First Officer EFIS First Officer.jpg
Aft Overhead AFT Overhead.jpg
Forward Overhead FWD Overhead.jpg
Pedestal Pedestal.jpg
Lower MIP Lower MIP.jpg
Upper MIP Upper MIP.jpg

8 Updating ProSim Display

Updating ProSim Display (and other ProSim modules) is easy. Follow the "Update ProSim System" instructions on the Getting Started page. The next time the other ProSim modules connect to the ProSim System they will automatically update themselves.